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catalyticTeam April 8, 2013 08:25

MultiRegion solver: B.C. for interface patch
Hi FOAMers,
I am a new user of OpenFOAM. I'm developing a new solver that is able to solve fluid dynamic and kinetics in heterogeneous reactors. So I have to treat a multiRegion mesh. In particular the reactants have to diffuse in the solid region where the reactions take place. So I have to guarantee these B.C at the interface:

- k_fluid*grad(T_fluid) = k_solid*grad(T_solid)
- T_fluid = T_solid

For these, I used the B.C. included in the OpenFOAM packages and it seems to be correct (turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffelMixedFvPatchScala rField.H). The convergence is reached by a PIMPLE loop.

In order to guarantee the mass continuity I have to implement these BC for each component:

- Diff_fluid*grad(rho_i_fluid) = Diff_solid*grad(rho_i_solid)
- rho_i_fluid = rho_i_solid

My question is this: is there any B.C in OpenFOAM that is able to guarantee the continuity of mass flux?
If it is not present, How can I solve this problem?


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