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Accessing the position and diameter of lagrangian particles

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Old   March 22, 2014, 10:35
Default Accessing the position and diameter of lagrangian particles
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Ah Cai
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Hi all,

I am working on a code to track lagrangian particles by refering to Jelena Andric's work:

I successfully replicated the work in OF20x.

My problem now is that I am unable to access the position and diameter of the particles. I know that there is a function in particle.H to access position but I don't know how to tap into it and get access it.

I tried
    const particle& par = particle.Foam::particle::position();
but it didn't work.

Anyone have any idea how to output the diameter and positions of all the particles inside the domain??


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Old   March 25, 2014, 18:42
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by ahcai007 View Post
Hi all,

I am working on a code to track lagrangian particles by refering to Jelena Andric's work:

I successfully replicated the work in OF20x.

My problem now is that I am unable to access the position and diameter of the particles. I know that there is a function in particle.H to access position but I don't know how to tap into it and get access it.

I tried
    const particle& par = particle.Foam::particle::position();
but it didn't work.

Anyone have any idea how to output the diameter and positions of all the particles inside the domain??


No offence Ahcai, but it seems that you're currently in the CargoCultProgramming-phase. I won't comment on the details of your code. I'd strongly suggest that you get an introductory C++-text and figure out why this doesn't work on so many level. Also familiarize yourself with Doxygen to find yourself with OF-classes

Concerning output of diameters and positions: these are usually written at every regular output in a folder lagrangian inside the timestep. So no need to reinvent the wheel there.
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Old   March 26, 2014, 09:35
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Ah Cai
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Originally Posted by gschaider View Post
No offence Ahcai, but it seems that you're currently in the CargoCultProgramming-phase. I won't comment on the details of your code. I'd strongly suggest that you get an introductory C++-text and figure out why this doesn't work on so many level. Also familiarize yourself with Doxygen to find yourself with OF-classes

Concerning output of diameters and positions: these are usually written at every regular output in a folder lagrangian inside the timestep. So no need to reinvent the wheel there.
Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your advice. Frankly speaking, indeed I am in this phase and struggling to get out of it. I only started using OpenFOAM for a year and have been self-studying it up till now. Same goes for C++. I have an overall picture of the working of C++ (although still not an expert), I have understood the working of class, how to access them and so on... However, I am still unable to link the knowledge of C++ to OpenFOAM. To me, they are similar yet different at the same time. Any advice on how to link them to a novice in OpenFOAM?

As for the diameter and position, I am aware that the they are output (including the velocity of particles) in the lagrangian folder at each timestep. However, I still can't find a way to access them. The reason for accessing them is so that I can do some additional calculation on them before they are output.

Any advice on how to get them out?

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Old   March 31, 2014, 20:22
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by ahcai007 View Post
Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your advice. Frankly speaking, indeed I am in this phase and struggling to get out of it. I only started using OpenFOAM for a year and have been self-studying it up till now. Same goes for C++. I have an overall picture of the working of C++ (although still not an expert), I have understood the working of class, how to access them and so on... However, I am still unable to link the knowledge of C++ to OpenFOAM. To me, they are similar yet different at the same time. Any advice on how to link them to a novice in OpenFOAM?
Not really. Most of the time I think "which utility does something similar". Then I check the sources of that utility. Check the Doxygen. And then a picture starts to emerge.

Originally Posted by ahcai007 View Post
As for the diameter and position, I am aware that the they are output (including the velocity of particles) in the lagrangian folder at each timestep. However, I still can't find a way to access them. The reason for accessing them is so that I can do some additional calculation on them before they are output.

Any advice on how to get them out?
If the info that is written to disk is sufficient for your calculation then it might be easier to write a script that reads those text files from disk and does the calculation.

Another possibility might be the new particle-parser in swak4Foam (shown in this presentation ) but its hard to tell if that might work without knowing what you want to calculate

Other than that the codes in $FOAM_SRC/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/CloudFunctionObjects/ might give you an idea how to get particle info out of a cloud
Note: I don't use "Friend"-feature on this forum out of principle. Ah. And by the way: I'm not on Facebook either. So don't be offended if I don't accept your invitation/friend request
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diameter, lagrangian particle, position

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