CFD Online Discussion Forums

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-   -   Adding the Energy Equation to interFoam (OF 2.4.0) (

satendra July 11, 2017 03:57

i am working on same topic but i am using OF 4.0 and mkraposhin sir your code is not compile here please help me .

vporte March 27, 2019 10:24


I'm using the last version of OpenFoam and I have a problem to add temperature equations in interFoam solver.

I saw a code which works for OpenFoam version 2.3.1 but it doesn't work for the new versions.

If someone can help me, it will be great !

I joined the old code to this message.


sarina July 17, 2023 07:54

Dear Perry,
I'm trying to modify the interFoam code to use damBreak with temperature as you did. I have a problem during compiling the libraries for the src folder: I get errors about the viscosityModelNew.C file in the /opt/openfoam8 folder that obviously I didn't modify. Could you help me?

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