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alimea November 19, 2017 10:29

IOobject and objectRegistry
Hi all
I want to know about IOobject and objectRegistry. I have searched a lot about it but I didn't find out it completely!
just I know that IOobject is a class for input/output variables!
e.g. that is used for Reading T in createFields.H .
what is IOdictionary ?
what mesh is used in arguments ?

IOdictionary transportProperties

I will be thankfull if explain for me about it.

WildeCat December 1, 2017 11:34


Originally Posted by alimea (Post 672073)
Hi all
I want to know about IOobject and objectRegistry. I have searched a lot about it but I didn't find out it completely!
just I know that IOobject is a class for input/output variables!
e.g. that is used for Reading T in createFields.H .
what is IOdictionary ?
what mesh is used in arguments ?

IOdictionary transportProperties // indicates that you read from the dictionary file transport Properties
IOobject // inside transport properties you want a specific object or in this case file
"transportProperties", // Name of the dictionary file
runTime.constant(), // where the file is stored. runTime for which time and constant the constant folder
mesh, // is the object registry. It is a way of understanding the data inside OpenFOAM for its communications. Bascially this value will be used on the entire mesh
IOobject::MUST_READ, // self explanatory
IOobject::NO_WRITE // self explanatory

I will be thankfull if explain for me about it.

Answers in quote and see link


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