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New Thermophysical Model for Reacting Mixtures

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Old   May 5, 2018, 21:21
Default New Thermophysical Model for Reacting Mixtures
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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UHGAR is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am new to Foam but trying to add a New Thermophysical model for reaction mixtures. I have a good understanding of other programming languages like Fortran but a little knowledge of C++ programming. I really need help in starting this. Any help would be highly appreciated.

My requirement:

To read a particular type of data (critical properties) for each species involved in the chemical mechanism. I am thinking to create the data in a separate file (CriticalProperties.dat) as follows and store in "Constant" folder:

  Tc  Value;
  Vc  Value;
  Pc  Value;
  omega  Value;
  Tc  Value;
  Vc  Value;
  Pc  Value;
  omega  Value;
....Similarly for all the species involved in GRI3.0 mechanism
Now, here:
1) I need to read this data and store in a separate class of thermophysical library.
2) Then I would need to (during CFD simulation) collect the mixture composition in each cell and based on the species composition in each cell I must find the combined critical properties (Not shown the formulations here). Let say, Tcm, Vcm, Pcm, and Omegacm.

Here, I am assuming that OpenFOAM has some simple classes to read the input text and store. Maybe I have to rename the variables appropriately for my need. At this moment due to my little understanding of C++ I am unable to identify such classes and how to modify them.

Secondly, I do not know where OpenFOAM collects the mixture composition in each cell and how I need to make it useful for my purpose.

I know, it is a very basic question for expert foamers like all of you. I would be really grateful if you provide me any form of guidance so that I can do this task.

Thanks in advance,
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Old   May 7, 2018, 12:25
New Member
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 12
Rep Power: 10
UHGAR is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,

Can someone please help me in this regard?
UHGAR is offline   Reply With Quote


combustion, ioobject, mixture model, real gas model, thermophysical model

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