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Pyrokrates August 24, 2021 10:12

Loop over faces of cell

I have a surfaceScalarField phi2 which is kind of same like flux phi from U.

Now I would like to combine phi and phi2 in another field phiFinal.
To decide, which value of phi/phi2 needs to be added, I loop over all cells and check the value of my volScalarField A inside this cell.

How can I change the values?

At the moment I just know how to get the faces of my cell like this

    const labelList& faces = mesh.cells()[celli]; // returns "6(a b c d e f)"
    if(A[celli] < 0)
        // Now I would like to add phi_face_value to phi3_face_value
        // Now I would like to add phi2_face_value to phi3_face_value


Another problem for me is the difference between internal and boundary faces... phi shows a list of internalField and the calculated boundary... How can I achieve this, if I assign phi3 like I want to.

Thanks in advance


mAlletto August 27, 2021 14:59

A face has always two cells which it is bounding. On which cell owner or neighbor you want to base your I else statement?

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