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Boundary condition with value, gradient and constant/source term

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  • 1 Post By abhishekmonu96`

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Old   January 25, 2022, 16:03
Default Boundary condition with value, gradient and constant/source term
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Arman N
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Hello everyone,

I need to implement a boundary condition which is a combination of the value and gradient of a parameter with a constant/source term.
For example, for parameter Y the desired equation at boundary is as follows:

c_{1}\nabla Y + c_{2}Y = c_{3}

where c_{1}, c_{2}, and c_{3} are constants.

I wanted to know if there is any BC already available in openFoam for this purpose and if not, how can this be achieved.

*PS: I know this can be somehow implemented using the mixed BC when c_{3} = 0, but I need the more general approach.

Any hint is appreciated.

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Old   February 1, 2022, 12:27
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Hi Arman,
You can achieve this by using codeStream. Use codedFixedValue, include necesary libraries and <#include "fvCFD.H"> in the required header files. You can use most of the functions provided in openfoam by this BC.
Here is the link for template:
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Old   February 5, 2022, 08:43
Default Solved!
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Arman N
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Hi "abhishekmonu96`",

Thanks for your reply. I'm not really familiar with codeStream but I assume it is an efficient way to tweak your way into custom BCs. I will give it a try!

After all, I did some more searching and found that apparently, wallHeatTransfer BC does something similar to what I'm looking for, which is itself based on the mixed BC.
Thank to this post, I was able to figure out how it works and apply my own BC.

The mixed BC calculates the value on patch using the following equation:

Y_{face} = \omega Y_{ref} + (1 - \omega) (Y_{cell} + \delta \nabla Y_{ref})

where \omega is valueFraction, Y_{ref} is refValue, Y_{cell} is the cell internal value next to face, \nabla Y_{ref} is refGrad, and \delta is the distance between cell face and cell center (=1/deltaCoeffs()).

The main idea is to replace the derivative term with its linear approximation. Therefore, the equation becomes:

c_{1} (\frac{Y_{face} - Y_{cell}}{\delta}) + c_{2} Y_{face} = c_{3}

reordering into the mixed BC form gives:

Y_{face} = (\frac{1}{1+\frac{c_{1}}{\delta c_{2}}}) \frac{c_{3}}{c_{2}} + (\frac{\frac{c_{1}}{\delta c_{2}}}{1+\frac{c_{1}}{\delta c_{2}}}) Y_{cell}

Therefore, by assuming \omega = \frac{1}{1+\frac{c_{1}}{\delta c_{2}}} , Y_{ref} = \frac{c_{3}}{c_{2}} , and \nabla Y_{ref} = 0 , one can implement the desired boundary condition similar to wallHeatTransfer BC.

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boundary condition, boundary gradient, boundary value, mixed boundary condition, source term

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Boundary condition with value, gradient and constant Arman_N OpenFOAM Programming & Development 0 January 25, 2022 15:50

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