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Numericer May 4, 2022 04:21

Understanding OpenFOAM code
2 Attachment(s)
I am trying to understand roughly what each method/function in OpenFOAM does by searching for it in the link

As I went through the laplacianFoam.C, I got stuck with the member functions of "options" class namely constrain() and correct(). Scouring the above source code, I found the class definition and function definitions, which call member function of another class called "option" (source.constrain()), which was empty. I've attached below the screenshots.

I've been having a bit of trouble understanding OpenFOAM code this way. Are there other easy ways of knowing what the functions do?

Attachment 89640

Attachment 89641

Kummi May 5, 2022 01:41

In order to understand OpenFOAM, try to do the following:

~ Work in debug mode till your code works promptly. The debug mode locates the error appropriately during compilation which helps to understand the code better.

~ Try using gdb or nemiver debuggers which helps to navigate the code line by line from the scratch.

~ Create doxygen documentation for your customized solver. It's a good reference manual with source trees to easily refer the actual code.

Hope it helps.
Thank you

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