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songyi719 March 1, 2024 04:28

About usage of fvm::laplacian
I have a bit confusing part about laplacian operator of openfoam, so I am writing the thread to ask some question

When we look at this guide, it says fvm::laplacian can be used as not only laplacian operator, but as combination of divergence and gradient. But since they mentioned diffusion coefficient as example, I initially thought it is actually meaningless, since it is meaningless to put constant coefficient before or after the gradient operator and has no difference.

However, I was trying to modify some scalartransport code, and I found that they use fvm::laplacian(rho*D(), s_) and rho is definitely non-constant operator. In this case, is it used as div(rho*D*grad(s))or just laplacian(rho*D*s)?

Can anybody give exact description of how fvm:: functions are used?

dlahaye March 1, 2024 05:14

Not sure.

Does it help to write out definition of

div( grad s) aka div( D grad s) with D = 1


div( D grad s) where D is a function of e.g. x and y ?

songyi719 March 1, 2024 05:37


Originally Posted by dlahaye (Post 865574)
Not sure.

Does it help to write out definition of

div( grad s) aka div( D grad s) with D = 1


div( D grad s) where D is a function of e.g. x and y ?

So, we can put any scalar at location of D, even if it isn't constant by time and space, right?

dlahaye March 1, 2024 05:51

Depends on what you are trying to obtain.

songyi719 March 1, 2024 06:06

What does that imply?

I know that when used with single variable as input, fvm::laplacian will be used as pure laplacian operator. Are you trying to say about this functionality?

Tobermory March 1, 2024 11:07

fvm::laplacian is defined in fvmLaplacian.C ( and like many OpenFOAM functions is overloaded, so can be called in many different ways. Regardless, all of them evaluate the quantity
\nabla \cdot ( \Gamma \nabla \phi ), albeit in a fashion that is suitable for an implicit discretisation. \Gamma may be a constant or may vary spatially ... it is still a "Laplacian".


Can anybody give exact description of how fvm:: functions are used?
You might need to be more specific with your question here, my friend! In general, we can say that the fvm functions like fvm::laplacian are all implicit discretisations of the relevant functions, fit for a finite volume model.

songyi719 March 2, 2024 03:17

Oh, I got it now! Thanks for the reply

I was curious about how they actually work, since I only knew that they do something about solving PDE. Now I found that it involves with fvm namespace implicitly, while fvc does it explicitly. Thanks again.

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