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cliffoi March 7, 2011 12:43

PatchToPatchInterpolation parameters
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what the difference was between the different parameters to patchToPatchInterpolation, i.e. the enumerated types intersection::algorithm and intersection::direction.
I am trying to interpolate from a parallel cyclicPolyPatch to a polyPatch while ensuring that the face normals are pointing in opposite directions (since there are two possible matching faces on the cyclic patch). intersection::VISIBLE seems to work for my simple test case but I need to make sure that this is going to give me consistent results.

Thanks in advance

deepsterblue March 7, 2011 13:43

I think I can take a guess: The type of algorithm basically gives you a trade-off between robustness and efficiency - a choice that is left to you. Naturally, a VISIBLE option would be more efficient, since only the face-normal direction is considered during intersection calculations in triangle.H. The visible approach would probably be most appropriate for patch-type calculations, but if you have weird geometry situations, you might have to reconsider.

The same applies to the VECTOR / CONTACT_SPHERE options in face.H

cliffoi March 9, 2011 09:52

Thanks Sandeep,
I'll have a closer look at triangle and see what I can find out.

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