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ynos December 13, 2013 06:51

Dont find the converge in NACA0012 with structured mesh
3 Attachment(s)
Hi there
My apologies for my english
I am trying calculate a NACA0012 with simpleFoam. I maked two differents 3D mesh, the first one is a mesh non structured with SnappyHexMesh and the second is a structured mesh with pointwise, in both cases the checkMesh is ok and the boundary conditions are the same. The number of elements are similar.
AoA 5degrees
V=10 m/sg
Fluid air
The results with non structured mesh for NACA0012 are Cl= 0.406(this value is ok) and Cd=0.021 (this value is too high)....the solution find converge
But with structured mesh THE solution dont find the converge
Attached you can find folder 0 system and pictures...anybody can I help me?
Thanks in advanced

fredo490 December 14, 2013 00:24

Your picture is too small to see anything...

Can you also put your Constant folder ? And maybe your pointwise file. The bottom right picture looks strange.

Edit, and to me your profile doesn't look like a Naca0012. Your leading edge is a bit strange.

ynos December 14, 2013 06:03

In first time Thanks for your replay ,Fredo
I am trying attached the pointwise file but dont let me because is 2Mb and forum only let me put 99kb(do you know which is the reason?) if you want can I send you the pointwise file at your e-mail.
In any case you have a reason respect the geometry, no is exactly a Naca0012 is a Naca0012-34 but with a less points because i was interested in the metodology for run the simpleFoam application between structured and no structured mesh, my main target is known why dont get the same or similar results with structured and no structured mesh, when I plot the forces with non structured mesh I find the converge but no way with structured both case I used the same BC, geometry and solver .

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