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two (rival) dynamicMeshDict & objectRegistry (??)

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Old   January 27, 2014, 22:20
Default two (rival) dynamicMeshDict - does this involve objectRegistry?
Eric Bryant
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 44
Rep Power: 13
codder is on a distinguished road
I am using foam-extend-3.0 (based on OpenFOAM 1.6-ext). I am attempting to write a explict solver to simulate hydraulic fracturing:
A runtime error is:
Build    : 3.0-83767105dac9
Exec     : myIcoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam
Date     : Jan 27 2014
Time     : 17:33:22
Host     : eric-Parallels-Virtual-Platform
PID      : 11303
CtrlDict : /home/eric/foam/foam-extend-3.0/etc/controlDict
Case     : /home/eric/foam/eric-3.0/run/applications/solvers/icoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam/tutorial/fluid
nProcs   : 1
SigFpe   : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create dynamic mesh for time = 0

Selecting dynamicFvMesh dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh
Selecting motion solver: laplace
Selecting motion diffusivity: quadratic

keyword crackerFvMeshCoeffs is undefined in dictionary "/home/eric/foam/eric-3.0/run/applications/solvers/icoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam/tutorial/fluid/constant/dynamicMeshDict"

file: /home/eric/foam/eric-3.0/run/applications/solvers/icoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam/tutorial/fluid/constant/dynamicMeshDict from line 17 to line 30.

    From function dictionary::subDict(const word& keyword)
    in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 474.

FOAM exiting
  1. I'm thinking that's because of something Dr. Jasak calls "the database".
  2. Is this correct?
  3. Is this because I have attempted two use two different dynamic meshes?
    The first for fluid and the second for solid domain, i.e.:
    ~/foam/foam-extend-3.0/tutorials/solidMechanics$ find . -name dynamicMeshDict
    ... suggests the reliance of the solid domain on crackerFvMesh.
  4. Please suggest any modifications I may make to this code (or ways to better my understanding).

Immediately after runtime error:
icoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam/tutorial$ tree
├── Allclean
├── Allrun
├── fluid
│** ├── 0
│** │** ├── motionU
│** │** ├── p
│** │** ├── solid -> ../../solid/0
│** │** └── U
│** ├── constant
│** │** ├── blockMeshDict.simpleTRI.m4
│** │** ├── couplingProperties
│** │** ├── dynamicMeshDict
│** │** ├── polyMesh
│** │** │** ├── blockMesh
│** │** │** ├── blockMeshDict
│** │** │** ├── boundary
│** │** │** ├── faces.gz
│** │** │** ├── neighbour.gz
│** │** │** ├── owner.gz
│** │** │** └── points.gz
│** │** ├── solid -> ../../solid/constant
│** │** └── transportProperties
│** ├── log.blockMesh
│** ├── log.myIcoFsiElasticAcpSolidFoam
│** └── system
│**     ├── controlDict
│**     ├── fvSchemes
│**     ├── fvSolution
│**     ├── sampleDict
│**     ├── solid -> ../../solid/system
│**     └── tetFemSolution
└── solid
    ├── 0
    │** ├── 0 -> ../../solid/0
    │** ├── materials
    │** ├── org
    │** │** ├── materials
    │** │** └── U
    │** ├── solid -> ../fluid/0/solid
    │** └── U
    ├── constant
    │** ├── cohesiveProperties
    │** ├── constant -> ../../solid/constant
    │** ├── dynamicMeshDict
    │** ├── polyMesh
    │** │** ├── blockMeshDict
    │** │** ├── blockMeshDict.simpleDCB.m4
    │** │** ├── boundary
    │** │** ├── faces
    │** │** ├── neighbour
    │** │** ├── owner
    │** │** └── points
    │** ├── rheologyProperties
    │** ├── timeVsBottomDisp
    │** └── timeVsTopDisp
    ├── log.blockMesh
    ├── log.setFields
    └── system
        ├── controlDict
        ├── decomposeParDict
        ├── fvSchemes
        ├── fvSolution
        ├── setFieldsDict
        └── system -> ../../solid/system
I have looked around for FSI presentations but the sharing of a dynamicMeshDict seems slightly outside their scope.

Thank you, Eric

Last edited by codder; January 28, 2014 at 13:32. Reason: clarify title
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Old   January 27, 2014, 23:16
Default I suggest a solution to my own question.
Eric Bryant
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 44
Rep Power: 13
codder is on a distinguished road
It may be as per this post that I need to invoke proposed solid domain mesh changes in changeDictionaryDict.


I have seen two dynamic meshes implemented (for a coupled FSI solver). The way to do it is to place a dynamicMeshDict in each domain's subdirectory. It works. Though my own problem is not solved, it does not involve an unsupplied changeDictionaryDict.

Last edited by codder; February 3, 2014 at 17:57.
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