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SpalartAllarmasIDDES LES model

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Old   April 23, 2014, 20:24
Default SpalartAllarmasIDDES LES model
Manjura Maula Md. Nayamatullah
Join Date: May 2013
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Posts: 42
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mmmn036 is on a distinguished road

Hope you all are doing good.

I was trying to run a simulation for inertial flow using LES turbulence model. To capture the near wall physics and as a requirement of LES, I had to chose the mesh such that y+1 ~1. But for my case, it becomes too expensive in computational time to be feasible.

I was looking other approaches and found DES might work well for my case. I could not get thorough idea how to use SpalartAllarmasIDDES LES model, I mean what i need to change from LES setup. What I understand is:

1. I need to put RASproperties and LESporperties in constant folder
2. need to put LESModel as SpalartAllmarasIDDES for LES and SpalartAllmaras for RANS.
3. need to put SpalartAllmarasIDDES coefficents.

What about the boundary conditions? How could I use two type of boundary condition for RANS and LES at the same time?
Is there any y+ restrictions?

Can anyone tell me the steps I should follow for using SpalartAllmarasIDDES turbulence model? I would appreciate that.

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Old   April 23, 2014, 21:01
Eric Robertson
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 95
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msuaeronautics is on a distinguished road
This only requires the initialization of the turbulent viscosity (nuSgs) and the Spalart-Allmaras variable (nuTilda), as is the case with DDES and the RANS SA model.

You should pick nuSgs based on your desired turbulent viscosity ratio, while I believe nuTilda should probably be about 3 or 5 times nuSgs.
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