September 30, 2015, 08:46
PimpleFoam converted to BuoyantPimpleFoam
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 2
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I am relatively new to using OpenFoam so I thought I would take a staged approach to my second in-depth simulation. I am trying to simulate warm water entering a tank at the bottom and exiting at the top. The velocity and temperature are fixed at the inlet and the pressure is fixed at the outlet. I simulated this successfully without the energy equation using pimpleFoam. However, when I convert my BCs, controlDict, fvSchemes, and fvSolution files to work with BuoyantPimpleFoam my simulation returns results that do not make sense. When I simulated the problem with pimpleFoam my courant number stayed below 0.5 and my velocity streamlines showed a smooth path from the inlet to the outlet. When I simulated using BuoyantPimpleFoam the courant number quickly exceeds 0.5 and the each grid point that is not near the inlet or outlet has a different velocity vector, in fact, the velocity seems randomized. Can anyone help me understand my different results? I can post more details if needed.