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Modifying external heat loss coefficient from inside solver

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Old   November 18, 2015, 07:37
Default Modifying external heat loss coefficient from inside solver
Nicole Andrew
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Hello foamers!

I have been searching and cannot figure out a solution to my problem.

I have a fixed domain, with no flow in or out that is heated by a volScalarField heat source (calculated in a separate solver for now) which I have added to TEqn in buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam.

I need a heat loss on the one face that is a function of the temperature in the cell below it, so I'd like to use either groovyBC or externalWallHeatFluxTemperature to calculate the heat flux (thanks to Raimonds Vilums for explaining a better way to formulate this in groovyBC here (see #19): The challenge (I can't understand why this has been such a challenge!) is that I need to be able to update the heat transfer coefficient while my solver is running, so that I can enforce energy conservation (I am just solving for steady state but I have found the pimple solver much more stable).

I have added some variables to the createFields file to be read in from transportProperties as follows:

    IOdictionary transportProperties

    dimensionedScalar rhoRef
However, when I try and call one of these variables in groovyBC I get the following error message:

 Parser Error for driver PatchValueExpressionDriver at "1.10-15" :"field rhoRef not existing or of wrong type"
I implemented the following boundary condition in the 0/T file:
        type                groovyBC;
        variables          "htot=100.0;Tinf=393.0;cp=385.0;k=alphaEff*rhoRef*cp;";
        valueExpression     "Tinf";
        fractionExpression  "1.0/(1.0 + k/(mag(delta())*htot))";
I was hoping that I would be able to add the heat transfer coefficient to transportProperties, read it like I have for rhoRef and update it in my solver and have my solution. Is this feasible? If so, does anyone have any idea why I am getting this error message when I try to use rhoRef?

If this seems like a bad idea, can anyone suggest a better way to modify the heat transfer coefficient from inside the solver?
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Old   April 7, 2016, 03:14
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I was trying to solve a similar problem using the groovyBC in BuoyantBoussinesqPimpleFOAM

Did u solve the problem?
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Old   April 7, 2016, 03:21
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boundary condition, convection heat flux, groovybc, heat tranfer coefficient

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