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suitable solver and local repeatability of wave propagation behaviour in OpenFOAM

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Old   April 13, 2016, 05:29
Default suitable solver and local repeatability of wave propagation behaviour in OpenFOAM
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Andreas Linkamp
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Dortmund, Germany
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Hi everyone
I want to simulate pulsating flows in the regime of low Mach-numbers (0.01 < Ma < 0.1), acoustical Mach numbers of Ma_ac < 0.1 and Womersley numbers of about 0.1 < Wo < 100.
In order to analyse the spectral behaviour of specific schemes/solvers I need exact local repeatability of the solution (for a given set of physical and numerical parameters) independently of the solution in other regions of the domain.
Thus I decided to try out rhoCentralFoam because of the explicit solution of the conservative variables (rho, rhoU, rhoE). Unlike for implicit solver, the local solution then only depends on the (local) domain of dependence instead of the whole numerical domain due to iterative solution, if I got that right.
However I couldnt get any stationary results for a simple test case with steady flow at Ma = 0.01 and found here in the forum that rhoCentralFoam does not work properly in that Ma regime.
I found this new solver pisoCentralFoam which is supposed to work in such a Ma-regime. Would this be a suitable solver for this kind of problems or is rhoPimpleFoam more suited?
Is there an easy possibility to change the time integration to explicit (less for the sake of application but rather for method development of spectral analysis)?
In this context I'd also like to know, if I divide my domain for a parallel run, during the iteration the residuals are evaluated in each subdomain seperately, is that right? If so, I could achieve local repeatability (and independence) by suitable domain decomposition, because the "domain of dependence" reduces to the respective subdomain, is that right?
I hope I made my problem clear...
I would be thankful for any answers, hints or suggestions!
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local repeatability, pulsating flow, wave propagation

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