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anirbanmondal93 May 8, 2016 06:26

lagrangian bubble simulation using OpenFOAM
1 Attachment(s)
Hello guys,

I am facing a problem. I am new to OpenFOAM. Can anyone help me by telling that is it possible to simulate one or two or a number of lagrangian bubble/bubbles rising inside a eulerian fluid column in OpenFOAM? If possible, what modifications and files should i use to do it in OpenFOAM?

What i want to get is preferably like in the animation given in the link below.

I have read some articles and reports but, didn`t get the specific tutorials and guidelines. Please find the attached article.

Is any tutorial and guidelines are available?

If anyone knows please feel free to help me. :(

Waiting for valuable reply as early as possible.
Thanks in advance.

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