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Linearized momentum source terms

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Old   June 19, 2017, 05:53
Post Linearized momentum source terms
New Member
Anders Simonsen
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 18
Rep Power: 13
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I'm facing a problem with implementing a linearized source term for the momentum equations.

The U-equation in my solver states (Turbulence+Steady state):
tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn
    fvm::div(phi, U)
  + turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
); // [N/m^3]
I'd like to implement a linearized source term in the following form:
p[0] = p_Su[0] + p_Sp[0] * (U[0] - U_Ref[0])
p[1] = p_Su[1] + p_Sp[1] * (U[1] - U_Ref[1])
p[2] = p_Su[2] + p_Sp[2] * (U[2] - U_Ref[2])
I've tried:
tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn
    fvm::div(phi, U)
  + turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
  - fvc::Sp(p_Sp,U)
  - fvm::SuSp(-p_Sp,U)
); // [N/m^3]
p_Su [N/m^3] and p_Sp [N/m^3-(m/s)] are of type volVectorField with sizes [nCells , 3], but the above implementation invoked an error, when I tried to compile it.

The format shown above works for scalar equations, where I've successfully implemented it for scalar species as shown below:

fvScalarMatrix YiEqn
  mvConvection->fvmDiv(phi, Yi)
  - fvm::laplacian(turbulence->muEff(), Yi)
  - fvc::Sp(Yi_Sp,Yi)
  - fvm::SuSp(-Yi_Sp,Yi)
); // [kg/s-m^3]
Yi_Su [kg/s-m^3] and Yi_Sp [kg/s-m^3-(kg/kg)] are of type volScalarField with sizes [nCells , 1].

Can someone help me with my problem?
I'd like to avoid using fvOptions, as I can't specify the source terms for each cell individually.

Best regards Anders
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momentum equation, source term

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