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lethu June 20, 2017 05:47

Mapping values with different domains, water channel
Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulate particles transport in a water channel.
So first, I have simulated water running in the channel with air on top of it using interFoam. I have unphysical results at the outlet such as in the topic
HTML Code:
I extracted the interface of this case anyway. Now I am trying to run simulation with uncoupledKinematicParcelFoam.
I want to use the latest results of this interFoam simulation, only for the U file, as initial conditions.
Problem is the domain is now smaller than the first simulation (but more cells).

It seems that mapFields is not ok with that.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem ?

I have already studied the hopper tutorial.

Thanks !

lethu June 22, 2017 08:39

Maybe mapFields does not work for mapping fields with different geometries but it should not be the case, is it ?

I have put the name of the new patch that has been created and that is kind of slicing the old domain. (in cuttingPatches)

But I still can't map my U field...

If anyone has the solution, thanks !

Old domain :

New domain :

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