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omid20110 December 15, 2017 00:45

Integration steps greater than maximum!!!
Hello everybody
I am simulating a heptane combustion via sprayFoam (OF 5.x)
Can anyone tell me what's this error for?

Integration steps greater than maximum 10000xStart = 0, xEnd = 5.53853e-08, x = 4.02297e-08, dxDid = 2.29093e-12

From function virtual void Foam::ODESolver::solve(Foam::scalar, Foam::scalar, Foam::scalarField&, Foam::scalar&) constin file ODESolvers/ODESolver/ODESolver.C at line 191.
FOAM exiting

I get this error at time=0.0008 s
then I stopped the simulation and just rerun the simulation, it continued till time=0.00108 then again I get the same error!:confused:

omid20110 December 17, 2017 10:20

No body knows about this error?!

wyldckat January 1, 2018 16:07

Quick answers:
  1. Not enough information, please follow the instructions given here:
  2. I'm not familiar with "Integration steps greater than maximum 10000", but usually this is related to something going outside of the known expression ranges. For example, if something has a pressure and temperature that is outside of the thermodynamical polynomials, e.g. any temperature below 200K or above 5000K.

omid20110 January 2, 2018 03:08


Originally Posted by wyldckat (Post 676610)
Quick answers:
  1. Not enough information, please follow the instructions given here:
  2. I'm not familiar with "Integration steps greater than maximum 10000", but usually this is related to something going outside of the known expression ranges. For example, if something has a pressure and temperature that is outside of the thermodynamical polynomials, e.g. any temperature below 200K or above 5000K.

It's because of the ODE model. I have changed the ODE model...

wyldckat January 2, 2018 06:40


Originally Posted by omid20110 (Post 676657)
It's because of the ODE model. I have changed the ODE model...

So does that mean that by changing the ODE model this was fixed or that this happened because you changed ODE model?
And between which models did you change?

omid20110 January 3, 2018 06:15


Originally Posted by wyldckat (Post 676668)
So does that mean that by changing the ODE model this was fixed or that this happened because you changed ODE model?
And between which models did you change?

Yes by changing ODE model in the chemistryProperties file this problem was fixed.
I changed it from seulex to Rosenbrock34.

pattim October 2, 2020 17:39

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll give that a try. Could also try rhodas...

mactone October 30, 2022 08:56


Originally Posted by omid20110 (Post 675185)
Hello everybody
I am simulating a heptane combustion via sprayFoam (OF 5.x)
Can anyone tell me what's this error for?

Integration steps greater than maximum 10000xStart = 0, xEnd = 5.53853e-08, x = 4.02297e-08, dxDid = 2.29093e-12

From function virtual void Foam::ODESolver::solve(Foam::scalar, Foam::scalar, Foam::scalarField&, Foam::scalar&) constin file ODESolvers/ODESolver/ODESolver.C at line 191.
FOAM exiting

I get this error at time=0.0008 s
then I stopped the simulation and just rerun the simulation, it continued till time=0.00108 then again I get the same error!:confused:

I encountered the same issue.
However, I start with seulex_LAPACK.
Then I tried all the ODESolvers including
Euler, EulerSI, RKCK45, RKDP45, RKF45, Rosenbrock12, 23, 34, SIBS, Trapezoid, rodas23, rodas34, selux.
All failed.

I am running the SandiaD_LTS case from the tutorial but changing the reaction mechanism to JL4 and using ode_pyJac as the ode solver.

Still can't figure out why! Maybe it's due to the ode_pyJac from DLBFoam.

Any suggestions?

NuclearLeaf November 16, 2022 08:07

Can also add

solver Euler;

absTol 1e-8;

relTol 0.1;

Not sure if that info still helps

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