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Adding temperature dependent heat source using fvOptions in chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam |
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December 19, 2017, 09:33 |
Adding temperature dependent heat source using fvOptions in chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam
#1 |
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hello Foamers,
I want to add a temperature dependent heat source into the chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver using fvOptions. I was looking at semiImplicitSource option which works on source term linearization using SuSp injection rate treatment where: S(x) = Su + Sp(x) S(x): net source for field (x) Su: explicit source contribution Sp: linearized implicit contribution I understand that the solver works by evaluating enthalpy (so my field is H) and that the unit of enthalpy is same as that of internal energy (J/Kg), so if I want to add a constant heat source I need not convert anything I can put it in directly under Su (taking absolute and specific into consideration), but I do not know how to add a temperature dependent source term of this form: source = constant * (T - T_const) Problem definition: Heat conduction through four different solids each having its own temperature-dependent source. Could anyone please help me to understand how to implement this. Many thanks in advance, Shailesh |
December 19, 2017, 13:50 |
#2 |
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use scalarCodedSource to calculate the temperature-depending heat-source. If you need the mean-temp of the region you should define the selectionMode type cellZone and in the code something like : Code:
const volScalarField& Tm = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("T"); Tvol = Tm.weightedAverage(mesh_.V()).value(); //averageValue of the volScalarField After that you can use the Tvol - value for your calculation. Code:
const vectorField& C = mesh_.C(); //List of cellcentres scalarField& hSource = eqn.source(); //defining source forAll (C, i) { hSource = (Tvol - Tconst)*yourvalue; } Hope it helps... |
December 20, 2017, 05:24 |
From function virtual void Foam::fv::option::checkApplied() const
#3 |
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hello Tobi,
Thank you very much for your reply, this is exactly what I wanted. But when I implement it I am getting an error Code:
--> FOAM Warning : From function virtual void Foam::fv::option::checkApplied() const in file cfdTools/general/fvOptions/fvOption.C at line 125 Source blood_perfusion_tumor defined for field T but never used 1) constant q of 13600 W/m^3 (as a scalarSemiImplicit source) 2) temperature dependent heat source with T_const at 310K Please find my fvOptions file below: Code:
FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "constant"; object fvOptions; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // metabolic_heat_generation_tumor { type scalarSemiImplicitSource; active true; scalarSemiImplicitSourceCoeffs { selectionMode cellZone; // all, cellSet, cellZone, points cellZone tumor; volumeMode specific; // absolute; injectionRateSuSp { h (13600 0); } } } blood_perfusion_tumor { type scalarCodedSource; name sourceTime; active true; scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { fields (T); selectionMode cellZone; cellZone tumor; codeInclude #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl; #}; codeAddSup #{ const Time& time = mesh().time(); const volScalarField& Tm = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("T"); Tvol = Tm.weightedAverage(mesh_.V()).value(); //averageValue of the volScalarField const vectorField& C = mesh_.C(); //List of cellcentres scalarField& hSource = eqn.source(); //defining source forAll(C, i) { hSource[i] = (Tvol - 310)* 48000; } Pout << "***codeAddSup***" << endl; #}; codeSetValue #{ Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl; #}; // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation code #{ $codeInclude $codeCorrect $codeAddSup $codeSetValue #}; } sourceTimeCoeffs { // Dummy entry } } // ************************************************************************* // Code:
functions { probes { type probes; functionObjectLibs ("libsampling.so"); writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 1; probeLocations ( ( 0 0.0495 0) ( 0 0.0595 0 ) ( 0 0.0395 0) (0 0.022 0) (0 0.067 0 ) (0 0.072 0) ); fields ( T ); } } Thank you in advance Shailesh |
December 21, 2017, 02:14 |
#4 |
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Can you please tell me, how you set up your case?
multiRegion via topoSet or via multiple stl-files? Usually (thats how I set up my cases - doesn't have to be the best way, but is working for me) you write a single fvOptions for each region where you define the code for the single region. Tobi |
December 21, 2017, 03:40 |
multiRegion via topoSet
#5 |
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hello Tobi,
Thank you for your reply. I have created multiregion with toposet and defined a fvOptions file separately for each region. Problem detail: My problem has four solid hemispherical regions (muscle, gland, tissue, tumor), these are the steps that I have followed: 1) Use snappyHexMesh with searchable sphere option to define the hemispherical regions for each solid separately (as I required different mesh concentrations in each region) 2) Use merge and stitch meshes to join each meshed region into one whole meshed domain. 3) Use toposet to create different cellZones. 4) Split mesh regions based on these cellZones. 5) Define initial and boundary conditions for each cellZone use changeDictionary. Please find a dropbox link with the case file along with a run and clean script. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5c1hwvaoka...nFoam.zip?dl=0 Thank you very much for your time. Shailesh |
January 5, 2018, 01:20 |
source term added
#6 |
Shailesh BG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Bangalore
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Hello Foamers,
Thanks to Tobi we have managed to add the temperature-dependent heat source as required. Below is the snippet of the fvOptions file for anyone who might face this trouble in future. Code:
blood_perfusion_gland { type scalarCodedSource; active true; name sourceTime; scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { selectionMode cellZone; cellZone gland; fields (h); codeInclude #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl; #}; codeAddSup #{ scalar Tvol = 0; //const Time& time = mesh().time(); const volScalarField& Tm = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("T"); Tvol = Tm.weightedAverage(mesh_.V()).value(); //averageValue of the volScalarField const vectorField& C = mesh_.C(); //List of cellcentres const scalarField& V = mesh_.V(); scalarField& hSource = eqn.source(); //defining source forAll(C, i) { hSource[i] = (Tvol - 310)*2400*V[i] ; } Pout << "***codeAddSup***" << endl; #}; codeSetValue #{ Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl; #}; // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation code #{ $codeInclude $codeCorrect $codeAddSup $codeSetValue #}; } sourceTimeCoeffs { $scalarCodedSourceCoeffs; } } Shailesh |
March 22, 2018, 02:20 |
#7 |
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Hi, I'm working on the similar case.
But I noticed that the scalarCodedCase is always working on the whole domain and not only in cellSet or cellZone. Did your scalarCodedSource work only in the zone you specified of in the whole domain? Thanks |
March 22, 2018, 04:40 |
#8 |
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If you choose selectionMode cellZone, like in the code stated below the codedSource should only work for this cellZone
(and the fvOptions-file is in the ./system/yourZoneName/ - directory) Code:
scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { selectionMode cellZone; cellZone yourZoneName; fields (h); ... regards Tobi |
March 22, 2018, 09:14 |
#9 |
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Thanks Tobi, I already tried that. Although I don't understand what you mean by fvOptions should be in the ..., if I create the directory like that and put fvOptions inside than fvOptions doesn't work at all.
Btw I create cellZone from cellSet with commant setsToZones. The Goal: I'm using OF 3.0 the solver is reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam, I have 4 phases (one has volume fraction of 0, so is "dormant"). I'm not trying to change the temperature but the volume fraction of one phase to another. Like the volumetric fraction of phase1 (perfectFluid in thermophysical properties) is reducing while for the phase2 (also perfectFluid) the volumetric fraction is increasing. Case is quasi 2D (square pipe with only one cell in y), gravity is 0. So I want to have the change in only one half of the pipe. Code:
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 3.0.0 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "system"; object fvOptions; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // options { massSource1 { type scalarCodedSource; active false; scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { selectionMode cellZone; cellZone zone1; fieldNames (thermo:rho.phase2); redirectType scalarCodedSource; name sourceTime; codeInclude #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl; #}; codeAddSup #{ const Time& time1 = mesh().time(); const scalarField& V1 = mesh_.V(); const volScalarField& Am1 = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("alpha.air"); const volVectorField& Ui1 = mesh_.lookupObject<volVectorField>("U.air"); scalarField& deltaPhase2 = eqn.source(); deltaPhase2 -= V1*mag(Am1)*mag(Ui1); #}; codeSetValue #{ Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl; #}; // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation code #{ $codeInclude $codeCorrect $codeAddSup $codeSetValue #}; } } massSource2 { type scalarCodedSource; active true; scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { selectionMode cellZone; cellZone zone1; fieldNames (thermo:rho.phase1); redirectType scalarCodedSource; name sourceTime2; codeInclude #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl; #}; codeAddSup #{ const Time& time2 = mesh().time(); const scalarField& V2 = mesh_.V(); const volScalarField& Am2 = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("alpha.air"); const volVectorField& Ui2 = mesh_.lookupObject<volVectorField>("U.air"); scalarField& deltaPhase1 = eqn.source(); deltaPhase1 -= -V2*mag(Am2)*mag(Ui2); #}; codeSetValue #{ Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl; #}; // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation code #{ $codeInclude $codeCorrect $codeAddSup $codeSetValue #}; } } } // ************************************************************************* // Thanks in advance and best regards SomeUser Last edited by SomeUser; March 23, 2018 at 03:55. Reason: Corrected spelling errors |
August 13, 2019, 04:15 |
#10 | |
Senior Member
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Hi! I'm trying to do the same as you. Mass transfer from one phase to another in reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam. Have you managed to do so? Maybe we can figure this out together.. |
November 3, 2019, 09:47 |
Be very carefull...
#11 |
Michael Roth
Join Date: Mar 2009
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@SomeUser, you are correct. If you are not careful it will apply the source to the entire domain. There is discussion and work-around here:
https://bugs.openfoam.org/view.php?id=2361 I'm copying the example given by @MattijsJ: Code:
energySource { type scalarCodedSource; active true; name sourceTime; scalarCodedSourceCoeffs { selectionMode points; points ( ( 2.0 2.0 2.0) ); // selectionMode all; // selectionMode cellZone; // cellZone heater; fields (h); codeInclude #{ #}; codeCorrect #{ Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl; #}; codeAddSup #{ const Time& time = mesh().time(); const scalarField& V = mesh_.V(); scalarField& heSource = eqn.source(); const labelList& cellIDs = cells(); forAll(cellIDs, i) { label cellI = cellIDs[i]; heSource[cellI] -= 0.0001*sqr(time.value())*V[cellI]; } #}; codeSetValue #{ Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl; #}; // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation code #{ $codeInclude $codeCorrect $codeAddSup $codeSetValue #}; } sourceTimeCoeffs { $scalarCodedSourceCoeffs; } } |
December 30, 2020, 16:06 |
#12 |
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Is it possible to add an heat source on a boundary (using facezone or patch name) ? I want to add on the interface solid-fluid the heat flux: qr=emi x cst_boltz x (T(boundary temp)^4 - Tcst^4) Best regards Julien |
March 18, 2021, 13:33 |
Questions on heat flux model
#13 |
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sw choi
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Dear Mr. Julieng
I am woking on the similar job. I wonder if you have any resolution on your approch. It would be great if you can share your experience with me. Thanks for any help in advance. Best wishes, Sung |
January 2, 2023, 12:57 |
Heat source with temperature dependent without scalarCodedSourceCoeffs
#14 |
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Dear all,
I would like to know if it is possible to set heat source with temperature dependency (in fvOptions or not) but by avoiding the use of scalarCodedSourceCoeffs ? Coded part does not work in my case. Thank you, |
January 26, 2024, 18:48 |
fvOptions in OF4.x
#15 |
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Can i use fvOptions in OpenFOAM 4.x? I want to add source terms to the energy equation of a PEM fuel cell.
Tags |
chtmultiregionsimplefoam, enthalpy equation, fvoptions, heat source term, temperature dependent |
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