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Destouches March 7, 2018 05:40

LTS - Fun fact about the relaxation factor
Hi foamers,

just a quick note regarding my previous post on LTS-interFoam modelling (high speed 2 phase in a turbine-shaped separator

When I obtained a stable simulation, I tried 3 relaxation factors: 0.01, 0.03 and 0.06.
The steps needed for convergence were around: 10 000, 5 000 and 2 500
The calculation time on 4 processors: 30H, 15H, 7.5H

While 0.01 simulation gives really smooth results, the 0.06 converges with far more chaotic data, some regions don't even have Alpha (water) value !

In a nutshell, while it may sound trivial to many of you, it is somewhat new to me: with stationnary solvers, convergence and stability doesn't rhyme with precision.

That's all folks.

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