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mAlletto August 8, 2022 09:49

Rhoinf is the fluid density. The density of the solid is not defined explicitly since in the 6dof solver you define the mass of the solid. Visualisation with paraview can be done by writing out at different times steps

govind_IITD August 9, 2022 09:25


I mean by visualization to see the motion of the sphere object. As it run in paraview, solid object from the boundary folder remains stationary.

One more thing:
How can I reduce the diffusion if possible by any means? As I understand by grid refinement upto some extend it can be done.


mAlletto August 9, 2022 15:08

For moving meshes the mesh is written at every time step the other fields are written out. So the sphere boundary should also be written. Diffusion can be reduced be higher order schemes or finer mesges

govind_IITD August 13, 2022 06:30

1 Attachment(s)

I have modified the settling sphere case with using of sphere stl file to generate the mesh. It runs for few second only. I have attached the case file with including "log" containing the output of the terminal.

I have tried with higher as well lower time step. I do not getting the key point.

Can one please look at this case and suggest me something to figure out the issue?


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