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A problem on the "rotate" function of sixDoF module

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Old   January 18, 2019, 04:59
Default A problem on the "rotate" function of sixDoF module
Dongxu Wang
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: China
Posts: 33
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wdx_cfd is on a distinguished road
Dear guys,

I am a new FOAMer who aims at using interFoam to solve the problem of wave-structure interactions. Recently, I spend a lot of time to study functions in the sixDof module of OFv6. I have finished learning most parts of this module, but there is still a small problem.

In sixDofRigidBodyMotion.H, there is a function:
        //- Apply rotation tensors to Q0 for the given torque (pi) and deltaT
        //  and return the rotated Q and pi as a tuple
        inline Tuple2<tensor, vector> rotate
            const tensor& Q0,
            const vector& pi,
            const scalar deltaT
        ) const;
It uses the angular momentum(pi) of the present time step to form the rotate matrix to update the orientation (Q0). For example, if the CN method is applied (voc_ = 0.5):

    // Correct orientation
    Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi =
        rotate(Q0(), (voc_*pi() + (1 - voc_)*pi0()), deltaT);
    Q() = Qpi.first();
The defination of this function:
inline Foam::Tuple2<Foam::tensor, Foam::vector>
    const tensor& Q0,
    const vector& pi0,
    const scalar deltaT
) const
    Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi(Q0, pi0);
    tensor& Q = Qpi.first();
    vector& pi = Qpi.second();

    tensor R = rotationTensorX(0.5*deltaT*pi.x()/momentOfInertia_.xx());
    pi = pi & R;
    Q = Q & R;

    R = rotationTensorY(0.5*deltaT*pi.y()/momentOfInertia_.yy());
    pi = pi & R;
    Q = Q & R;

    R = rotationTensorZ(deltaT*pi.z()/momentOfInertia_.zz());
    pi = pi & R;
    Q = Q & R;

    R = rotationTensorY(0.5*deltaT*pi.y()/momentOfInertia_.yy());
    pi = pi & R;
    Q = Q & R;

    R = rotationTensorX(0.5*deltaT*pi.x()/momentOfInertia_.xx());
    pi = pi & R;
    Q = Q & R;

    return Qpi;
From the defination it can be concluded that the orientation and the angular momentum have been rotated around the x-axis with a angle of 0.5*deltaT*pi.x()/momentOfInertia_.xx(), then 0.5*deltaT*pi.y()/momentOfInertia_.yy() around the y-axis, then deltaT*pi.z()/momentOfInertia_.zz() around the z-axis, then 0.5*deltaT*pi.y()/momentOfInertia_.yy() around the y-axis, and finally 0.5*deltaT*pi.x()/momentOfInertia_.xx() around the x-axis.

This rotation process makes me confused. I am wondering that why this operate can get the new orientation of the rigid body. Why not just rotate three times around the x, y and z-axis with the angle of deltaT*pi.x()/momentOfInertia_.xx(), deltaT*pi.y()/momentOfInertia_.yy() and deltaT*pi.z()/momentOfInertia_.zz()?

Some useful references are OK if this problem is too comlicated to explain.

Thanks in advance.
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