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bharadwaz March 22, 2019 04:47

Hello Foamers
when I increase velocity there is no temperature drop in forced convection in multiregionFoam

I gave coupledBaffledmixed BC at the interface

what could be the possible reasons, any suggestions are always welcome

Thanks in advance

Tobi March 26, 2019 05:36

To make a clear statement, you should provide more information ->

bharadwaz March 28, 2019 13:36

Actually that problem is solved
can you tell me how to implement thermal conductivity values x y z like kx ky and kz in thermo physical properties
As far as i i gave it as following

    type            heSolidThermo;
    mixture        pureMixture;
    //transport      constIso;
    transport      constAnIso; //<--this bit
    thermo          hConst;
    equationOfState rhoConst;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

        type    cartesian;
        origin  (0 0 0);
            type        cylindrical;
            e3          (0 0 1);
        molWeight  59.54353776;

        kappa  (73.98 73.98 29.627435); //radial tangential longitudinal or x y z

        Hf      0;
        Cp      2300;

        rho    2436;

but that is for cylindrical not for cartesian

Thanks in advance

Z.Q. Niu April 17, 2019 10:08

Hi bharadwaz,
How did you solve your issue? Thanks!

bharadwaz April 17, 2019 12:03

type heSolidThermo;
mixture pureMixture;
transport constAnIso;
thermo hConst;
equationOfState rhoConst;
specie specie;
energy sensibleEnthalpy;

type cartesian;
origin (0 0 0);
type STARCDRotation;
rotation (0 0 0);

molWeight 59.54353776;
rho 2436;
kappa (10 10 10);

Hf 0;
Cp 2300;
Hope this helps you

suroy2005 August 7, 2020 19:10

anisotropic kappa
1 Attachment(s)
chtMultiRegionFoam in OpenFoam-8 give incorrect results with anisotropic conductivity.
Case file attached

Tobi August 10, 2020 12:25

Some small description would be handsome.

What is the problem? Did you have a comparision with other versions? What is the expected result? ...

If I will investigate into that, I would prefer to have more information first.

xerox March 5, 2021 12:23


Originally Posted by suroy2005 (Post 779901)
chtMultiRegionFoam in OpenFoam-8 give incorrect results with anisotropic conductivity.
Case file attached

Most likely you missed the entry for anialpha in your T file, have a look at this:

With the added entry


alphaAni        Anialpha;
your example is working.

srv537 January 4, 2022 10:21

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tobi (Post 780070)
Some small description would be handsome.

What is the problem? Did you have a comparision with other versions? What is the expected result? ...

If I will investigate into that, I would prefer to have more information first.

I am also facing problem in An-isotropic thermal conductivity case setup. I have considered a very simple case, Volumetric heat generation inside a small cube, which is placed in the air region. I started first case with same thermal conductivity in all the three direction and it should give uniform temperature on each 6 faces of the cube. But, Result shows non uniform temperature distribution on the faces, which is incorrect (Variation is negligible, it maybe computation error or case setup error). I have also attached Case setup and final result T plot. Please suggest something.

Case Link

Saurav Kumar

xerox January 5, 2022 04:42

Hello Saurav,

unfortunately your case setup is missing from your post.

srv537 January 5, 2022 08:55


Originally Posted by xerox (Post 819637)
Hello Saurav,

unfortunately your case setup is missing from your post.

Hello Xerox,

Sorry for the inconvenience, I have added the case links. Please check and let me know my mistakes in case setup.

Saurav Kumar

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