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Pavithra June 11, 2019 02:56

Velocity boundary condition on a wall
Hello Everyone,

I am simulating natural convection in a 2-D square cavity with hot wall at bottom and all other walls at ambient temperatures.

I am using buoyantBoussinessqPimpleFoam

My problem is that I want to set x-velocity component to be 0 at the side walls, whereas, I want to set a Neumann condition for the y-velocity at the side walls. Kindly please help me how to achieve this.

Thank You.

tomf June 12, 2019 04:16


Maybe the directionMixed boundary condition could be helpful?

Note that I did not use it myself, but it seems like you can specify Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for each component using the valueFraction.

Regards, Tom

Pavithra June 12, 2019 19:48


Originally Posted by tomf (Post 736061)

Maybe the directionMixed boundary condition could be helpful?

Note that I did not use it myself, but it seems like you can specify Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for each component using the valueFraction.

Regards, Tom

Respected Sir,

Thank you so much for your kind help. Yes, I have achieved the required boundary condition using directioMixed boundary type.

Thank You.

With Thanks,

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