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k-omega SST: what is the Reference length scale?

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Old   February 19, 2020, 14:18
Question k-omega SST: what is the Reference length scale?
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Andrea Stedile
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Hi all,
I'm trying to investigate the flow of air around a car with the RAS k-omega SST.
The OpenFOAM guide: says that the following formula can be used to estimate omega, that is the turbulence specific dissipation rate:
\omega = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu L}
where L is the reference length scale,
and cmu is equal to 0.09
I wanted to ask: what exactly is L? In my case, would it be the length of the car?

I saw that OpenFOAM has a motorbike scenario and tutorial.
  • The motorbike has a length of 1.42 m (this value is lRef and can be found in the system/forceCoeffs dict.
  • The value of k is 0.24, and can be found in the 0/include/initialConditions file.
  • The value of omega is 1.78 (again, it is is located in the initialConditions file).
If we isolate the L in the previous formula, we get:
L = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu \omega}
If we substitute for k, omega and Cmu, we get 3.058 m, which is different than the valur of lRef (the length of the motorbike). Therefore, I'm not anymore convinced that L is the length of the vehicle.

Can anyone help me?
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Old   February 20, 2020, 10:27
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The exact reference length is not that important afaik. The important thing is that your nu/nu_t ratio (laminar viscosity to turbulent viscosity) is small enough. This paper by Spalart & Rumsey gives some recommendations in Section C for external aerodynamics:
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Old   February 20, 2020, 11:55
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
It's not the same length scale.

The length scale in forceCoeffs is related to the definition of your force coefficients like lift, and that one is a geometric length scale.

The length scale in the formula for omega is a turbulent length scale for your boundary. Say if your oncoming flow comes from a fully developed flow in a duct with diameter D is a small fraction of D (usually estimated to be about L~0.07D). It's a boundary condition, you need to "know" what it is. It could be anything because not all flows come from fully developed ducts.
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Old   February 20, 2020, 12:26
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Andrea Stedile
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It's not the same length scale.
I agree; and it makes sense.
Do you have any idea on how to estimate the turbulent length scale for my case,
which concerns the study of the air flow around a car, or even many cars?
Can I use a value similar to the one used for the flow around the motorbike?
If I do so, the yielded results seem convincing and reasonable.
But I am wondering if there is a more "scientifical" sound way to do it.

Also, do you know why the OpenFOAM developers have specifically chosen 3.058 as a value for the turbulent length scale? I can't seem to find the reason anywhere on the web.
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Old   September 11, 2020, 14:39
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Hi everybody.
I'm studying the flow around a circular cylinder in the drag crisis region, using the kOmegaSST turbulence model. I'm struggling to find a plausible estimation for the turbulence lenght scale in the literature. What would be a good option?

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Old   September 27, 2021, 12:50
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Edgar Alejandro Martínez Ojeda
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I made a tutorial on YT.

Here's the meshing part:

And here is the case setup:

Go to the video's description to get the link to the files.
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Old   December 2, 2022, 10:48
Lorenzo Mazzei
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Originally Posted by steddy View Post
Hi all,
I'm trying to investigate the flow of air around a car with the RAS k-omega SST.
The OpenFOAM guide: says that the following formula can be used to estimate omega, that is the turbulence specific dissipation rate:
\omega = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu L}
where L is the reference length scale,
and cmu is equal to 0.09
I wanted to ask: what exactly is L? In my case, would it be the length of the car?

I saw that OpenFOAM has a motorbike scenario and tutorial.
  • The motorbike has a length of 1.42 m (this value is lRef and can be found in the system/forceCoeffs dict.
  • The value of k is 0.24, and can be found in the 0/include/initialConditions file.
  • The value of omega is 1.78 (again, it is is located in the initialConditions file).
If we isolate the L in the previous formula, we get:
L = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu \omega}
If we substitute for k, omega and Cmu, we get 3.058 m, which is different than the valur of lRef (the length of the motorbike). Therefore, I'm not anymore convinced that L is the length of the vehicle.

Can anyone help me?
The c_mu should be c_mu^0.25?
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Old   April 6, 2023, 20:34
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Farzad Faraji
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Dear Steddy
did you find any answer for
Do you have any idea on how to estimate the turbulent length scale for my case
I have the same problem. How should I define it?


Originally Posted by steddy View Post
I agree; and it makes sense.
Do you have any idea on how to estimate the turbulent length scale for my case,
which concerns the study of the air flow around a car, or even many cars?
Can I use a value similar to the one used for the flow around the motorbike?
If I do so, the yielded results seem convincing and reasonable.
But I am wondering if there is a more "scientifical" sound way to do it.

Also, do you know why the OpenFOAM developers have specifically chosen 3.058 as a value for the turbulent length scale? I can't seem to find the reason anywhere on the web.
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Old   April 6, 2023, 20:39
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Farzad Faraji
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Using the correct formula form here, I reversely solved motorBike problem and I got
Turbulent intensity = 0.02
turbulent length scale = 0.14 which is the 10% of Lref


Originally Posted by steddy View Post
Hi all,
I'm trying to investigate the flow of air around a car with the RAS k-omega SST.
The OpenFOAM guide: says that the following formula can be used to estimate omega, that is the turbulence specific dissipation rate:
\omega = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu L}
where L is the reference length scale,
and cmu is equal to 0.09
I wanted to ask: what exactly is L? In my case, would it be the length of the car?

I saw that OpenFOAM has a motorbike scenario and tutorial.
  • The motorbike has a length of 1.42 m (this value is lRef and can be found in the system/forceCoeffs dict.
  • The value of k is 0.24, and can be found in the 0/include/initialConditions file.
  • The value of omega is 1.78 (again, it is is located in the initialConditions file).
If we isolate the L in the previous formula, we get:
L = \frac{k^{0.5}}{C_\mu \omega}
If we substitute for k, omega and Cmu, we get 3.058 m, which is different than the valur of lRef (the length of the motorbike). Therefore, I'm not anymore convinced that L is the length of the vehicle.

Can anyone help me?
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lref, motorbike, reference length, reference length scale, sst

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