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zhangxc0223 April 20, 2020 05:49

Is it able to use utility to output particle forces during timestep?
I am wondering, is there any utilities can be used for writing particle forces (e.g. drag and lift) at each written interval?

It seems cannot be realized via either the system/controlDict/functions, or the constant/kinematicCloudProperties/cloudFunctions. So is there any alternative way to modify the code to output the particle force?

zhangxc0223 April 30, 2020 03:30

Alternatively, is there a way to export the fluid velocity at particle position?

I know that the property fields of the fluid phase, such as phi_c, U_c, rho_c, are controlled by the createFields.H file, But how to add the code for controlling the output of the lagrangian particle phase?

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