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Sedullo July 15, 2020 07:42

How to find the Nusselt number along a wall?
I am running a case of Natural convection heat transfer between a hot vertical plate and the atmosphere.

I am using buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam, it is a laminar case, so the Grashof number is laminar and the turbulenceProperties are set to "laminar", so there is no RAS turbulence model.

I would like to find the value of the Nusselt Number along the wall, but in the previous discussion I did not find anything that could fit for my case.

My programming skills are quite limited so I kindly ask you to give me a sort of step by step explanation if you have some ideas.

Thanks for the help

geth03 July 15, 2020 09:17

you can calculate your nusselt number with paraview,
you need to choose the calculator and then type in
the equation.

Sedullo July 15, 2020 09:19

Thanks for the reply, could you tell me please what should I write in the calculator?

Sedullo July 15, 2020 12:15

Anyone has any idea for solving this problem?

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