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Lie Wei September 1, 2020 23:43

zero flux boundary conditon
hi, everyone
I have a question about the boundary condition for the following species transport equation:
-fvm::laplacian(Dc, C) +fvm::div(phi, C) == 0
and I want to set the flux of C to be zero for my b.cs, which is given as:
-DC*dC/dn + Un*C == 0
where n is the normal direction of b.c
I use the codedmixed to implement my b.c as following:
type codedMixed;
refValue uniform 0;
refGradient uniform 0;
valueFraction uniform 1;

name zeroFlux;

fvPatchField<scalar> C
patch().lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("C")
fvPatchField<vector> U
patch().lookupPatchField<volVectorField, vector>("U")
scalarField Ux = U.component(vector::X);
this->refValue() = 0.0;
this->refGrad() = - Ux / 1.05e-8 * C;
this->valueFraction() = 0.0;

where 1.05e-8 is Dc

The above code worked, but the results are quit different from COMSOL's (a FEM software) calculations. I don't know where I made the mistake, can anyone help?

simrego September 3, 2020 04:39


Why don't you just use the zeroGradient BC instead?

Lie Wei September 8, 2020 23:13

the BC I need is
-DC*dC/dn + Un*C == 0
I think zeroGradient mean
-DC*dC/dn == 0?

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