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ishan_ae November 12, 2020 04:19

Inviscid compressible flow using rhoSimpleFoam

Is it possible to setup inviscid compressible simulation using rhoSimpleFoam ?

I made the following changes to my setup to setup an inviscid case:
  1. slip walls instead of noSlip
  2. Sutherland coefficients set to zero in thermoPhysical file
  3. turbulence set to off in the turbulence file

I have looked in the posts here but could not get complete information.

Can someone please tell me should I make any more changes ?

dlahaye November 12, 2020 04:56

Set molecular viscosity to zero (small?) in transportProperties?

ishan_ae November 12, 2020 05:02

Wouldn't setting of Sutherland coefficients to 0 do the job ?

ishan_ae November 12, 2020 07:36

I am running right now the case with the above mentioned conditions(mu set to 1e-9, Pr = 0.85) and I am noticing that the pressure in the system is not being updated.

It has been only 9 iterations but shouldn't the pressure also be calculated ?

I am monitoring the pressure and the velocity at the outlet patch(where mass flow rate is imposed) and while the velocity changes, the pressure doesn't. The pressure value is the same with which it was initialized.

Not sure what is going wrong.

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