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guptaram December 12, 2020 02:10

forces and forceCoeffs script is not working properly with RBF solver
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to run the simulation for pitching and heaving motion for NACA0012 airfoil by using RBF motion solver in foam extend 4.0.

Whenever, I am using below force script in controlDict for simulation the airfoil behaves like static airfoil, I mean there is no pitching and heaving motion occurred (without this force script it seems fine but not able to get force data files).

I don't know, where am I doing wrong? Can someone please look into and guide/correct me?

PHP Code:

type                       forces;
functionObjectLibs   "" );
outputControl          timeStep;
outputInterval         1;
patches                  (airfoil);
pName                   p;
UName                   U;
rhoName                rhoInf;
log                         true;
rhoInf                    997.07;
CofR                      (0 0 0);
type                       forceCoeffs;
functionObjectLibs   "" );
outputControl          timeStep;
outputInterval         1;
patches                  (airfoil);
pName                   p;
UName                  U;
rhoName               rhoInf;
log                        true;
rhoInf                   997.07;
liftDir                    (0 1 0);
dragDir                 (1 0 0);
CofR                     (0 0 0);
pitchAxis               (0 0 0);
magUInf               0.0179;
lRef                      0.05;
Aref                     0.05;


Best Regards

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