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sebastian0310 February 18, 2021 14:45

Error reported: failed to launch 'pimpleDyMFoam -parallel'
Hi everyone, I am new to openfoam and I am trying to run the case for the propeller.

In the last step I run the following command "$ mpiexec.exe -np 6 pimpleDyMFoam -parallel | tee log.pimpleDyMFoam"
but it generates the following error:

ERROR: Error reported: failed to launch 'pimpleDyMFoam -parallel' on DESKTOP-J2L8OC0
Error (5) Access Denied.

I have not found information on the internet about this to solve this error.
Someone could help me?

HPE February 18, 2021 15:40

I think the error is not related to OpenFOAM, but Windows+installation. Can you try to execute only `pimpleDyMFoam` please? Also, there are vast number of threads in the web explaining when `Error (5) Access denied` error occurs: (link.)

sebastian0310 February 18, 2021 17:08

thanks, i noticed that the functions of "pimpleDyMFoam" are now in "pimpleFoam"

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