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ssitank March 30, 2021 10:52

reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam mass transfer (evaporation)
Hi foamers,

I am currently running the evaporation simulation using reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam. So basically, mass is transfered (evaporating) from water source into air-vapour mixture.
I am using v1912 for the simulation.

Since I woud like to investigate the local or cell evaporation rate, can I display or make a whole field of mass transfer rate in each cell?

Do you think, I can do that with writeObject function or one must somehow modify the source code?

Thank you for any comments regarding this.

HPE March 30, 2021 11:46

Don't know the answer to your question, my apologies.
But, just wanted to draw your attention regarding the reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam solver, which had a bug.

I would use the fix in the solver just in case:

ssitank March 31, 2021 02:40


thank you so much for your bug information. It is quite a newly found one...

I am little bit of confused regarding the versions OF.

Well, I am currently using v1912 and I have some options like v17xx v18xx or v2006 or v2021 in my cluster.

How are these different from OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 or OF-7,8?

If you can I can get some idea which one to use...

Thanks in advance for real!


Artur.Ant December 13, 2021 02:30

I’m not an expert but I used several versions of OF so speaking from my experience:
Try to use the latest version because it contains new implementations and some bugs are fixed.
If you compare version 2021 with openfoam9 (these two were published in the same year) they are very similar. But I noticed that in some cases v2021 (or previous years) seem to have some functions that are not implemented in openfoam9 (or previous versions). Usually some post processing function is missing or some meshing tools.
I hope someone can give us a more complete answer

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