January 23, 2022, 17:12
Functionality of sixDoFRigidBodyMotion in solving both mesh motion and body motion
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 6
Hi, I am confused about the functionality of sixDoFRigidBodyMotion in OpenFOAM. It seems that it is an option of mesh motion solver, like displacementLaplacia. But it can also solves the motion of body. All the settings (mesh morphing definitions, body definition, etc.) need to be included in the dynamicMeshDict file, as the template below:
dynamicFvMesh dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh;
motionSolverLibs ("libsixDoFRigidBodyMotion.so");
motionSolver sixDoFRigidBodyMotion;
//Parameter definitions
I can understand we solve the motion of body using this solver, determining its displacement, velocity and acceleration at one time, and then how to solve motion of internal mesh betwwen innerDistance and outerDistance, just by applying default diffusivity model (inverseDistance linear)?
Sorry about the disordered description above. I am appreciated for any suggestion!