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DRiver May 24, 2022 11:58 not running - GnuPlot related

Currently, I am running some simulations with OpenFoam v9 on Ubuntu 20.04. on Windows SWL. I have installed Python 3.8, GnuPlot 5.2.8 and PyFoam 2021.6 to generate realtime residual plots.

When I am running the command
Code: mpirun -np 4 interFoam -parallel
, the system rejects my running command showing the following result:

I have tried to adapt the code to Python 3.8 with the ".find" and also I have tried to set Python 2.7 as my default version, but none of these have solved the issue.:confused:

Could you please enlighten me about possible causes or solutions to this issue? Thank you in advance.

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