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jagan1mohan December 28, 2022 11:04

multiPhaseEulerFoam in version10
Hi All, I'm using multiPhaseEulerFoam in version 10 and used laminar fluidized bed setup from tutorials. I have two questions.

1. There are T.air and T.particles in 0/. At the moment, I adjusted all temperatures, internalField and boundary conditions to 300 K. Is there a more better way to remove energy equation from solver? I want to simulate simple fluidized bed without any heating or cooling.

2. There are alphat.particles and nut.particles in 0/, initialized with 0.0 everywhere and all boundary conditions are "type calculated" and "value $internalField". I'm not sure what this "type" and "value" are and these fields are zero everywhere at every solved timestep. Can someone throw some light here on what are these fields, why are we including them if everything is coming out to be zeros.


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