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Santhosh91 December 29, 2022 16:13

Mesh independency and running advices
1 Attachment(s)
Hello all !

I have a question concerning the mesh independency result that I have. I should precise first, that I am running a 3D simulation in InterFoam using an uniform meshing ( since the geometry is not complicate, I am using BlockMesh Dict).

In the attached picture to my message, you can find the graph that shows the difference in velocity between two consecutive meshes. The issue is that near the border especially, it goes above the 5% recommanded.

However, I cannot refine more the mesh I have because of the computational time that is getting really high. I wanted to know, what can I do ? I preferably wants to keep an uniform meshing because of validation cases that I performed using uniform meshing.

If not, is it possible in blockMeshDict to add layers near the walls ? I already tried SimpleGrading but it does not work good because of my geometry (T-junction) which leads to disrupt my emulsion formation at the junction.

I am struggling with that probleme for quite a while now, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

Santhosh91 January 3, 2023 14:29

Nobody have an idea ?

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