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nitishkulkarni March 8, 2023 13:45

Solidification of Liquid Metal in OpenFoam10
Hi everyone,

I am trying to develop a simulation in OpenFoam10 for molten metal solidification process. A solid body (low temperature) passes through the liquid molten metal (very high temperature).

When cold solid body gets into contact with hot liquid molten metal, heat flows from hot liquid molten metal to cold solid body.

Due to this interaction and heat transfer, some fraction of liquid molten metal near to cold solid body gets solidified. I want to simulate this solidification process and solidified metal thickness w.r.t time.

Since I am new to OpenFoam, I am not able to decide, which OpenFoam solver (one or multiple solvers) I can use to simulate above phenomenon.

Can anyone from OpenFoam community help me with this?


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