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nialloneill August 9, 2023 05:35

Adapting a tutorial case made in dev version in V10
Hello, I have a quick question that might hopefully reduce the amount of time I end up spending on a tutorial case. In the "openFOAM training" by CFD support document (which by the way is an extremely helpful resource) there is a test case of a wind turbine. It is written for the dev version and actually explicitly says in the .allrun script to use the dev version with it. I currently have v10 installed, but was planning on just figuring out what the main syntax differences were and trying to get it to work with that.

The case uses snappyHexMesh and pimpleFOAM as a solver

My question is whether this act of adapting a case to a different version is relatively straightforward, or would I be better off just downloading the dev verison? Bearing in mind that my main goal is actually just learning how the whole things works so having to understand the syntax to the point where I can adjust it to v10 may be useful in itself


Yann August 9, 2023 06:01


For your peace of mind, the recommendation would be to install the version corresponding to the tutorial, so you can get familiar with it before thinking about adapting it to another version. Even if you aim to adapt it later, at least you will have a healthy baseline case to work with, and to compare to your modified case.

You can install multiple OpenFOAM versions on your system, so it's pretty easy to install the ones you need, and just switch from one version to another when you need to.

The problem here is that dev is the development version, which is constantly evolving. If the tutorial you are running is 2 years old and you install the dev version now, for sure you will have to adapt the case.


nialloneill August 13, 2023 10:55

I think the particular tutorial is from 2017, so I might just try and figure out the syntax differences with v10 as I am currently using, thanks

Yann August 14, 2023 05:57

There were major changes in the OpenFOAM foundation branch since 2017. If you are relatively sure the tutorial is from 2017, you will probably have less trouble trying to run it on a version corresponding to this time period, which would be OpenFOAM 4.1 or 5.0 (

Of course your can adapt it to OpenFOAM 10 but be ready to have to deal with filenames and syntax changes in multiple places.

Have fun!

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