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anubasu December 28, 2023 06:53

Hi All,

After completing a OpenFOAM simulation, when I am doing reconstructPar for large data sets, it is taking a lot of time. Is there a faster way t reconstruct my data? I am using interFOAM.

NotOverUnderated December 28, 2023 09:03


Originally Posted by anubasu (Post 862343)
Hi All,

After completing a OpenFOAM simulation, when I am doing reconstructPar for large data sets, it is taking a lot of time. Is there a faster way t reconstruct my data? I am using interFOAM.

For postProcessing with Paraview you do not need to reconstruct your case. Paraview supports reading decomposed OpenFOAM cases:

- Open Paraview and select the .foam file of your case.
- Change the Case Type to Decomposed Case.

I hope this helps.

anubasu December 28, 2023 10:23


Originally Posted by NotOverUnderated (Post 862345)
For postProcessing with Paraview you do not need to reconstruct your case. Paraview supports reading decomposed OpenFOAM cases:

- Open Paraview and select the .foam file of your case.
- Change the Case Type to Decomposed Case.

I hope this helps.

Yes thanks. But animation in decomposed case runs very slowly and if I want to transfer all of the data from HPC to local then I need foamToVTK for which I need to reconstructPar anyways.

anubasu December 28, 2023 10:54

Means can i foamToVTK parallely without doing reconstructPar? so that it will do foamTOVTK for each processor and write the entire thing in the main directory??

Yann December 28, 2023 12:52


Originally Posted by anubasu (Post 862348)
Means can i foamToVTK parallely without doing reconstructPar? so that it will do foamTOVTK for each processor and write the entire thing in the main directory??


Yes you can use foamToVTK or foamToEnsight in parallel to convert your data from your parallel case to VTK or Ensight format without reconstructing the case.
You can open both format in ParaView.


anubasu December 28, 2023 13:38


Originally Posted by Yann (Post 862355)

Yes you can use foamToVTK or foamToEnsight in parallel to convert your data from your parallel case to VTK or Ensight format without reconstructing the case.
You can open both format in ParaView.


Hi, Yes, I have done foamToVTK using mpirun -np foamToVTK -parallel and it has produced a VTK file in each processor dir as well as a total VTK in the main dir. But when I am trying to open it in paraview it is not as smooth as the VTK obtained after reconstructPar. There is some problem. There a lot of processor VTKs, processor boundary VTKs etc which is not properly loaded/displayed, etc.


Yann December 29, 2023 08:55

Go for foamToEnsight in parallel. It will produce a single EnSight directory at the root of your case.


olesen January 2, 2024 11:08


Originally Posted by anubasu (Post 862357)
Hi, Yes, I have done foamToVTK using mpirun -np foamToVTK -parallel and it has produced a VTK file in each processor dir as well as a total VTK in the main dir. But when I am trying to open it in paraview it is not as smooth as the VTK obtained after reconstructPar. There is some problem. There a lot of processor VTKs, processor boundary VTKs etc which is not properly loaded/displayed, etc.


This sounds very wrong - there is no reason that foamToVTK in parallel should produce VTK files in each processor directory. Additionally, the processor boundaries should be suppressed, unless you have explicitly requested -processor-fields.
On the other hand, you have not stated anywhere which version of OpenFOAM you are using, so any concrete statement is not actually possible.

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