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mlsk January 17, 2024 05:03

rhoPimpleFoam Excessive Courant Numbers and Small Time Steps
Dear CFD-Online community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a transient heat transfer simulation using OpenFOAM. The simulation involves a transonic flow over an airfoil, and I am facing challenges related to excessive Courant numbers leading to extremely small time steps.

I have attempted the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Adjusted numerical parameters in the fvSchemes and fvSolution files.
2. Checked and modified boundary conditions where necessary.
3. Reviewed and adjusted relaxation factors in the fvSolution file.
4. Verified mesh quality and refined where needed.

Despite these efforts, the simulation's deltaT has reached an extremely small value (e.g., 2.7686277e-47), causing the simulation to stop. The Courant Number mean is within acceptable limits, but the pressure and time step issues persist.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights from the community on how to address these challenges. Specifically, any suggestions regarding adjusting numerical parameters, modifying boundary conditions, or optimizing the simulation setup would be immensely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.

Best regards,

tas38 January 18, 2024 14:47

My first suggestion would be to run the transonic flow case as steady-state first if possible. What in the model setup necessitates a transient analysis?

mlsk February 7, 2024 00:24

I want to validate Rhopimplefoam in openfoam in transonic case and chose to run simulation of RAE2822 at M=0.7.., Re= 6.5 mil , whose experimnetal data is avalilable on NASA website. inital mesh didn't give matching rsults and saw wave fluctuations in upper surface of airfoil. so i made finer mesh to improve y+ but this simualtion is not going any furhter as delta T is very low.

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