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GardenLake April 29, 2024 14:49

InterFOAM Question

I have an open channel flow occurring. I have air above my water and have 2 inlets (1 for air and 1 for water). I have both set to a value.

When I view my alpha (phase indicator) it seems that there is a bump in my water and then the domains slowly fills up with water even though it is suppose to keep flowing downstream out of domain. Does anyone know what the issue with this issue?

I would post screenshots but it says I am forbidden to do attachments for some unknown reason.

wkernkamp April 29, 2024 15:58

Your inflow might be fine, but your outflow is not working.

GardenLake April 29, 2024 16:10

I have the pressure specified at the top =0. My outlet is zeroGradient for velocity, alpha (phase indicator), and pressure. My inlet is set to a value for velocity, alpha=1, and pressure = fixedFluxPressure.

Do these seem reasonable? Anything in the outlet that I should adjust?

Thank you

wkernkamp April 30, 2024 00:52

It is a bit late so I might not be of much use. Will look closer tomorrow. Could you try with a fixed pressure condition at the inlet?

GardenLake April 30, 2024 12:44

The issue with setting a fixed pressure at the inlet is that I am using P instead of pgh which would make no hydrostatic pressure at the inlet which is incorrect. The set velocity should increase pressure in that region and direct flow down to the outlet correct?

wkernkamp April 30, 2024 18:11

You are not the only one experiencing some issues:

That person did not get an answer, even though he presents more information.

A helpful tutorials case might be this: "tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/RAS/damBreak/damBreak". From what you have written so far, it seems to me that this case (or it's laminar cousing) can be modified to match your domain.

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