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flying April 26, 2009 13:24

To compute Average flowfield with oodles
Dear all:

I am trying to use oodles to simulate the flowfield, but it is very sad that I am not very clear to get the average flow field based on time.

Although in the tutorial, there is function to get the mean flow field, but it computes the average flow field from the time of 0.

For my case, I could not get the realistic flow field in the beginning. So I need to compute the average flow field after I get the realistic flow field, which means that I compute the average flow field after some time.

Now, I change the name of time( for example 3) to 0,and copy k, B , nuTilda to the the folder. And Begin to compute the average flow field. But I really don't know whether it is right or wrong way.

Do some body to have some experience about it?

Thanks and best regards!

flying May 4, 2009 05:17

why do so many see it, but nobody reply it? I really feel crazy about it.

matejfor May 5, 2009 03:19

well, the averages are computed from the start of the computation, so you do not actually need to rename the result directory to 0, you can just start from time 3 or whatever you specify in the controlDict.
you may always have a look at the source of the averaging function and see yourself how it is done or change it if you want.
Just type 'foam ;find . -name '*Aver*' -print' and you know where to look

good luck

flying May 5, 2009 08:46

Thanks for your reply. The information is very helpful for me.

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