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tellico March 23, 2012 06:41

ico only running with a crazy small time step
I am running a model of flow in a pretty basic channel (2m wide x 4 m in length x 4m tall) and I can only keep the Courant number in check if I run it with a time step of 1e-16.

My block mesh uses a (40 40 40) grid, and going any finer on this means that the computation times takes ages.

With my current time step a simple simulation would take several weeks to run. Does anybody have any further tricks on how to keep the Courant number in check with a reasonable time step?

It seems to be a trade-off between a super fine mesh and a super small time step, both of which mean really long computation times.

kmooney March 23, 2012 08:29

Is the max velocity in the domain realistic? You might be having a velocity blow up which is driving down the Co and deltaT down.

tellico March 23, 2012 10:57

thanks for the reply, my max velocity is reasonable, but I'm now wondering if I haven't messed something up in my U file:

dimensions [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ];

internalField uniform ( 0 0 0 );


Wall8 //inlet
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( -0.4 0.4 0.1 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
Wall17 //outlet
type zeroGradient;
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );
type fixedValue;
value uniform ( 0 0 0 );

lovecraft22 March 23, 2012 11:28

I'm having the same problem…

kmooney March 23, 2012 11:35

You may be facing a problem with numerical stability. What kind of fvSchemes are you using? A more diffusive/stable convection discretization scheme might help.

If you're looking for a steady-state solution you might be able to get away with running upwind for a little while and switching over to more accurate schemes later on in the run.

tellico March 23, 2012 13:55

Thanks for the suggestion. I will look for examples of the fvScheme that you suggest. I'm currently using the following fvScheme:

default Euler;

default Gauss linear;
grad(p) Gauss linear;

default none;
div(phi,U) Gauss linear;

default none;
laplacian(nu,U) Gauss linear corrected;
laplacian((1|A(U)),p) Gauss linear corrected;

default linear;
interpolate(HbyA) linear;

default corrected;

default no;
p ;

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