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Wokl March 28, 2012 09:19

Reaching too high Temperatures using turbulentHeatFluxTemperature BC
Hey Everybody,

I need to analyze a class-room as a class project.

I'm using buoyantPimpleFoam as a solver and k-omega-sst model as a turbulence model.

My room consists of 3 Inlets and 3 Outlets. 3 Heaters and Windows.

I got some Problems with my Boundary Conditions for my Temperature-file. Out of an overall analysis of the room i found out out that the Heaters need to produce 550W of heat to keep the Temperature stable.
Therefor i was using this BC:

type compressible::turbulentHeatFluxTemperature;
heatSource power;
q uniform 550;
value uniform 293.0;
KName basicThermo;
K basicThermo;

The Area of my heaters is .375mē per heater. By using this Boundary Condition i get Temperatures of 1200K or even more at my heaters. Have i set up something wrong? I was more expecting Temperatures round 350K. Due to this high Temperatures the velocity of the flow next to the heaters is way too high.

I hope someone can help me. Thx in Advance


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