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olivier_au_chili September 7, 2012 16:55

Tutorial movingcone with MeshModifiers
Dear Foamers:

I am a newbie in openFoam and I am learning with tutorials. Today, I attempted to practice the tutorial movingCone (version meshModifiers). I have not problem with the compilation.

However, I don't understand the code, in particular files: DynamicMeshDict and the meshmodifiers.

What means the following lines in DynamicMeshDict?

motionVelAmplitude (-2 0 0);
motionVelPeriod 1e-6;

leftEdge 0;
leftObstacleEdge 2;
rightObstacleEdge 4;

minThickness 1e-5;
maxThickness 1e-4;

minThickness 1e-5;
maxThickness 1e-4;

and the lines in meshmodifiers:

type layerAdditionRemoval;
faceZoneName rightExtrusionFaces;
minLayerThickness 0.00002;
maxLayerThickness 0.00005;
oldLayerThickness 0;
active true;

type layerAdditionRemoval;
faceZoneName leftExtrusionFaces;
minLayerThickness 0.00002;
maxLayerThickness 0.00005;
oldLayerThickness 0;
active true;

Thanks in advance for your help?



jsc May 14, 2013 07:13


Originally Posted by olivier_au_chili (Post 380806)
Dear Foamers:

I am a newbie in openFoam and I am learning with tutorials. Today, I attempted to practice the tutorial movingCone (version meshModifiers). I have not problem with the compilation.


Hi Olivier,

I am trying also to setup a case with "layerAdditionRemoval" but I am having troubles doing it and I have only found very little information on how to implement it.

I have recently installed openfoam-2.1.x and 2.2.x and there is only one tutorial called movingCone with no file called "meshModifiers".

Could you please post where do you find the movingCone (version meshModifiers) tutorial or upload the case? (Or at least post the meshModifiers and dynamicMeshDict files). I would be very gratefull.

Basically I have modified the movingCone tutorial adding faceZones with topoSet and adding the "meshModifiers" file but it does not change at all.
Do you know if the meshModifiers works with another lib than movingConeTopoFvMeshCoeffs?

If its helps you this is what I have learned with the tutorial (but I am still a new user, so may be wrong):

-movingConeTopoFvMeshCoeffs { }
this is the information needed by the program to modify the mesh, velocity displacement and probably mesh dimensions according to movingConeTopoFvMesh method which is declared before in dynamicMeshDict.

Here are especfied more methods to modify the mesh (in especific areas) during the simulation. In this case the method "layerAdditionRemoval" is declared for two faces (previously delcared in topoSet I guess).

2 (number of actions delared)
type layerAdditionRemoval; (method choosen. It adds or removes cell layers to keep the mesh size constant)
faceZoneName rightExtrusionFaces; (where to apply, I guess must be a FaceZone to remove complete layers of cells)
minLayerThickness 0.00002; (min distance between mesh nodes)
maxLayerThickness 0.00005; (max distance between mesh nodes, the mesh is recalculated to fit between this two parameters).
oldLayerThickness 0; (¿? I have also seen de value -1)
active true; (If true this acction is made if false it is ignored)

I will keep trying and post any information I will get.

Thank you and good luck,

olivier_au_chili May 14, 2013 13:41

Hi José:

I don't use movingConeTopoFvMesh, it is very's work fine for a cone...

Now if you want a lib to move a mesh and/or to adapt mesh topology (as me), you must use: dynamicTopoFvMesh developed by Sandeep Menon (and Philipose for a fork).




jsc May 14, 2013 14:04

Thanks Olivier for your quick answer. I will try it.

Another question.
Is it possible to build somehow this library with openfoam-2.x or it will only work with openfoam-1.6-ext?

Thank you,

olivier_au_chili May 14, 2013 14:25

In the REadMe.txt, Sandeep indicates as target plateform: OpenFoam-extend and OpenFoam-2.1.x.

I never used DynamicTopoFvMesh with OpemFoam-2.1.


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