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OPEN_FOAM for and idiot?

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Old   May 14, 2014, 14:14
Default OPEN_FOAM for and idiot?
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James M
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M_RED is on a distinguished road
Hello Everyone,

First, my background in CFD is decent, but with expensive commercial software, i.e. Ricardo Vectis, AVL FIre, and Fluent for Catia. I know what I want to get out of the simulation, I just have no idea about anything at all on OPENfoam

Now, I am finding myself in a situation where i need to do some preliminary / first past sort of simulation on some ducting to evaluate if changes are OK. Basically, I have a duct, it enters a plenum and 5-7 ducts exit, each with a restrictor/throttling plate. I have a current design, and a crappy previous work .pdf, that shows volume flow rate is balanced and basic acceptable level of pressure drop. Everything is steady state.

I want to be able to change the plenum, and tweak it until I show the same mass flow rate, and pressure drop.

I have looked through the Wikis and opensource stuff, but it seems the windows based one are lacking something. (like ease of use..) or aren't actually free.

Can anyone recommend a set of programs, one that are actually free to use, and two let me do the basic pre-processing, i.e. meshing from an igs file, and setting up b/c's, and something to actually post-process too. (I think paraview may have that one covered?)

Am I silly to think meshing and set up is the same GUI?

Also, crap, I can't edit the title.... Oh the irony...
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Old   May 14, 2014, 16:21
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Daniel P. Combest
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chegdan will become famous soon enoughchegdan will become famous soon enough

Welcome! First off, your title actually caught my attention so I call that a win if you can get traffic on your posts. Secondly, this level of frustration and "what do I do next?" is a coherent state that most all of us have reached at some point Now, here are some thoughts:

OpenFOAM comes with a mesher (snappyHexMesh) that can take STL surfaces as inputs. For each of your boundary conditions, you will need either sub-surfaces in your STL or separate STL files for each patch/boundary condition. To read in IGES, you may want to look at Engrid, which is also a mesher. I personally do not use this software but i do know that it is widely used by OpenFOAM users. If you can output STL files directly from your CAD software that will maek meshing easier in Snappy. I tend to construct all my geometries in Blender bc i post process some in blender and wanted to shrink down my tools that i used to not be too scatter brained.

You can use the sampling tools in OpenFOAM and also paraview. This is all I use.

Here is a list of GUI's for OpenFOAM.
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Old   May 16, 2014, 12:59
Default Thank you!!!!!
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James M
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enGRID seems to be working great so far!!

You wouldn't know if it is possible to multiple select several faces to assign them to a boundary do you? the click "p" and then "s" seems to only let me do one at a time... (in engrid)
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Old   May 16, 2014, 13:16
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Daniel P. Combest
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chegdan will become famous soon enoughchegdan will become famous soon enough
Glad you are liking enGrid!

Try posting questions on the enGrid forum

Good luck!
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Old   May 16, 2014, 15:12
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James M
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M_RED is on a distinguished road

I did exactly that, but no reply. Searched as much as I could, and I can't find away to click more than one surface at a time. crazy frustrating!
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Old   May 16, 2014, 18:01
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Daniel P. Combest
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chegdan will become famous soon enoughchegdan will become famous soon enough
If you can convert the CAD to STL surfaces then you can try HELYX-OS. You can look over the presentations about how to use HELYX-OS at

the 8th OpenFOAM Workshop.

and look over the thread

For details on snappyHexMesh, look at

SnappyHexMesh on the OpenFOAM wiki (with links to tutorials)

Good luck.

Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops HELYX-OS
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