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Help with the units of enthalpy (h) in chtMultiRegionFoam

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Old   June 18, 2014, 15:11
Question Help with the units of enthalpy (h) in chtMultiRegionFoam
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Hello everybody,

I'm struggling to understand how to set up a heat source in a solid region using the fvOptions framework with chtMultiregionFoam solver. However, I need to understand the governing equation used by the program. This is the equation found in the solveSolid.H file:

        tmp<fvScalarMatrix> hEqn
            fvm::ddt(betav*rho, h)
          - fvm::laplacian(betav*alpha, h, "laplacian(alpha,h)")
            fvOptions(rho, h)
The first doubt that came to my mind at first was the meaning of betav, I think it is a coefficient that switches between 0 and 1 when the region is a fluid or a solid domain, am I right? Otherwise I can't figure out its meaning...

Now, here come the main doubts I have:
  • Is alpha equal to kappa/(rho*cp)? If so, How is its value retrieved by the program? Because it is not defined in constant/thermoProperties file...
  • Does the exression fvOptions(rho, h) mean that the value of h is multipied by rho somewhere? I was told something like that a few days ago but I don't see it...
  • And finally, what are the units of h within the equation? I started assuming that they were J/kg but I can't find it after taking some notes on paper.

That's all by now, I will appreciate any hint provided.

Many thanks in advance!

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The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!

Last edited by zfaraday; June 19, 2014 at 09:42. Reason: corrected J/(kg*K) to J/kg
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Old   June 24, 2014, 03:33
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Martin K
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Hi Alex,

did you yet manage to solve your problem?

I got stuck on the same issue, how do I include a heat source in the hEqn and what are the enthalpy`s dimensions?

If you were able to make any progress, I would really appreciate if you could share some Infos!

Best regards,


Edit: The dimension seems to be J/kg. Info << mag(h) << provides a dimension set of [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]
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Old   June 24, 2014, 11:04
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Originally Posted by Martin_K_lalelu View Post
Hi Alex,

did you yet manage to solve your problem?

I got stuck on the same issue, how do I include a heat source in the hEqn and what are the enthalpy`s dimensions?

If you were able to make any progress, I would really appreciate if you could share some Infos!

Best regards,


Edit: The dimension seems to be J/kg. Info << mag(h) << provides a dimension set of [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]
Hello Martin!

I wish I could give you a positive message, but no, I'm still waiting for any hint. Whenever I find a solution I will let you know. I hope you do the same in case you find it first :P

Thanks for what you said about about the dimensions of enthalpy, where did you find it out? I have been lookig for it like crazy with no success.


Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!
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Old   June 25, 2014, 04:27
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Martin K
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I saved the Enthalpy in solveSolid.H into a custom variable and made an output with
Info << "myEnthalpy= " << myEnthalpy << nl << endl;
during runtime. There the dimension set was printed, too.
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Old   June 25, 2014, 05:38
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Is alpha equal to kappa/(rho*cp)? If so, How is its value retrieved by the program? Because it is not defined in constant/thermoProperties file...
If you take a look at solid/setRegionSolidFields.H, you can see

tmp<volScalarField> talpha = thermo.alpha();
const volScalarField& alpha = talpha();
So alpha is acquired from thermophysical model. And in most of them it is defined as kappa/Cp.

Does the exression fvOptions(rho, h) mean that the value of h is multipied by rho somewhere? I was told something like that a few days ago but I don't see it...
Well, almost. Here's the code for the operator:

template<class Type, class RhoType>
Foam::tmp<Foam::fvMatrix<Type> > Foam::fv::optionList::operator()
    const RhoType& rho,
    GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fld,
    const word& fieldName
    const dimensionSet ds = rho.dimensions()*fld.dimensions()/dimTime*dimVolume;

    tmp<fvMatrix<Type> > tmtx(new fvMatrix<Type>(fld, ds));

    fvMatrix<Type>& mtx = tmtx();
And finally, what are the units of h within the equation? I started assuming that they were J/kg but I can't find it after taking some notes on paper.
If you again look at solid/setRegionSolidFields.H

solidThermo& thermo = thermos[i];
volScalarField& h = thermo.he();
and then if you look at thermophysicalModels/basic/basicThermo/basicThermo.H (parent of solidThermo)

            //- Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]
            //  Non-const access allowed for transport equations
            virtual volScalarField& he() = 0;
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Old   June 25, 2014, 17:56
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Thank you so much Alexey, that was exactly what I was looking for!

Originally Posted by alexeym View Post

If you take a look at solid/setRegionSolidFields.H, you can see

tmp<volScalarField> talpha = thermo.alpha();
const volScalarField& alpha = talpha();
So alpha is acquired from thermophysical model. And in most of them it is defined as kappa/Cp.
Then alpha is not exactly the thermal diffusivity, since thermal diffusivity (aka alpha) is kappa/(rho*Cp), am I right?

Well, almost. Here's the code for the operator:

template<class Type, class RhoType>
Foam::tmp<Foam::fvMatrix<Type> > Foam::fv::optionList::operator()
    const RhoType& rho,
    GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fld,
    const word& fieldName
    const dimensionSet ds = rho.dimensions()*fld.dimensions()/dimTime*dimVolume;

    tmp<fvMatrix<Type> > tmtx(new fvMatrix<Type>(fld, ds));

    fvMatrix<Type>& mtx = tmtx();
Well, that's quite scary at first sight when you have no strong skills with C++... :P

I understand that I was pointing at the right direction, I only forgot to divide it by the time and multiply it by the volume, right? I guess that the field called fld in my case would be h(J/kg), then what is given by fvOptions would be Watts, is it right?

If you again look at solid/setRegionSolidFields.H

solidThermo& thermo = thermos[i];
volScalarField& h = thermo.he();
and then if you look at thermophysicalModels/basic/basicThermo/basicThermo.H (parent of solidThermo)

            //- Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]
            //  Non-const access allowed for transport equations
            virtual volScalarField& he() = 0;
As I said before, many thanks for your clarifying explanations. You helped me a lot understanding it.


Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!
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Old   June 26, 2014, 08:21
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Originally Posted by zfaraday View Post
Then alpha is not exactly the thermal diffusivity, since thermal diffusivity (aka alpha) is kappa/(rho*Cp), am I right?
Well, I'd say here it's implicitly divided by rho. As you can see in ddt operator, it's not ddt(h), it's ddt(rho, h), while in laplacian term it's just h.

I understand that I was pointing at the right direction, I only forgot to divide it by the time and multiply it by the volume, right? I guess that the field called fld in my case would be h(J/kg), then what is given by fvOptions would be Watts, is it right?
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