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[OpenFOAM] - Coupling dsmcFoam and laplacianFoam

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Old   October 26, 2014, 16:15
Default [OpenFOAM] - Coupling dsmcFoam and laplacianFoam
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Chris Ostrom
Join Date: Jul 2014
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I am working on a project to simulate reentry trajectories, and I have been able to script the dsmcFoam run cases.

However, to complete the other side of the project, I need to:
  1. take a CAD file (from FLUENT or other software)
  2. create a volume mesh of it (with patches in OpenFOAM named the same as the material the part is made of)
  3. snap that into the block mesh
  4. run dsmcFoam to get flow field and surface temperatures
  5. run laplacianFoam to get new temperatures for each cell in body mesh
  6. run through all cells and if u_int >= u_melt, delete cell from the body mesh and re-do blockMesh and merge/snap mesh
  7. continue with next run of dsmcFoam

Does anyone have experience with combining OpenFOAM solvers in a regional fashion?

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